Monday, June 8, 2009

A Start

Today was my first experience with my 6 year old along for the couponing trip. It was a TRIP!!! lol. She tried to help. I finally noticed the machine that spits out coupons and pointed it out to her. That was a smart thing for this old mom to do. I had read on a blog that those coupons are manufacturers coupons. So they can be used at other stores. I have so much to learn. We were able to find several bargains. I tried to keep my eyes open for clearance items. I found a few but of corresponding coupons. I WILL be able to get a large haul one day with coupons and clearance items.

Walgreens had a basket on the cosmetics counter. It was full of coupons for health/beauty items. I took some but also left some. I did not want to be too greedy. I am hoping I will be able to use them to save BIG bucks.

WalMart was a fun trip for me. I was able to get 3 Johnson & Johnson soap for free. I use the $3/3 coupon. I also needed some Poise pads. ( I am getting old.....) I had $2 off coupon. So I was able to get all items for a little over $3.

Hopefully, my posts will get more interesting and more helpful. Check back!!!!